Greyson is 4 1/2 months old and using the Dockatot Deluxe with the cover called “Palm beach
He has slept in this since the day i brought him home from the hospital and he absolutely LOVES IT!

If i’m a believer in anything… it’s the Dockatot.

But seriously, you can take all my baby gear but you can’t take my DockATot 

Of all the stuff I’ve bought or received since I had kids – a crib, a bassinet, a stroller, a car seat, a baby swing — the thing I’ve used the absolute most is the DockATot.

It’s not just a lounger, either. It doubles as a changing station, or a soft surface for when the baby needs tummy time. It’s so lightweight, I bring it around the house as a little portable bassinet — I’ll stash the baby in it wherever I am, well within sight.

Peyton is 2 1/2 years old and using the Dockatot grande with the cover “Lighter Shade of Pale

We also started Peyton in a Deluxe Dockatot from birth and at about 9 months old we moved her up to a Grande Dockatot. At almost 3 years old she is still loving it and sleeps through the night like a gem.

The Deluxe Dockatot is feautured on the left and the Grande Dockatot is featured on the right.

We were kindly gifted these Dockatots but i can honestly say that i recommend them to all my friends and family. I believe in and support them 100%. I am definitely an “overworrier” to say the least but when i put my babies to sleep in their Dockatots, i can sleep with ease. They are breathable, lightweight and completely safe in my opinion.

THANK YOU Dockatot for helping me and my children sleep better!

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